NanaGroup s.r.o.
Plzeňská 577/25
150 00, Praha 5 – Smíchov
IČ: 09828401, DIČ: CZ09828401


General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as GTC) govern the contractual relationship between
Hotel Libero***, which is operated by Nana Group s.r.o. (hereinafter referred to as
provider or company) and the client - a natural or legal person who
The General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as GTC) regulate the mutual contractual relationship between the Hotel Libero***, which is operated by Nana Group s.r.o. (hereinafter referred to as the provider or the company) and the client - a natural or legal person who orders accommodation in the Hotel as a client (hereinafter referred to as the client).

In the event of a conflict between the provisions of contracts, including the Company's standardized contracts, and the provisions of the GTC, the provisions of such contracts shall prevail over the provisions of the GTC.

The GTC become part of the pre-contractual arrangements at the moment of commencement of these negotiations
between the provider and the client and part of the contracts at the moment of their conclusion.

Article I.
Pre-contractual arrangements

1. Pre-contractual arrangements include ordering the services, negotiating their terms
and confirmation of the final order by the provider.

2. Orders for services must be made in writing and it must be clear who is making them and what their subject matter is (type of services, terms, prices, etc.). Orders
must be sent to the relevant department of the company, i.e. the Sales
and Reservations Department or the Director of the establishment.

3. By signing the order or confirming the email, the provider agrees to provide the ordered services in the agreed scope and the contract is concluded at this moment.

4. If they are the client or his/her designated person/representative, additional services are ordered, both the provider and the client are obliged to proceed as follows in accordance with this Article. The Provider undertakes to make every effort to to provide the additional services requested, but does not guarantee their provision

Article II.
Obligations of the contracting parties

1. Upon check-in, each guest must present their ID card at the hotel reception. ID or other proof of identity. After fulfilling the above legal obligations including the completion of the registration card (record for the foreign police), the reception will accommodate the guest and provide further information about the accommodation.

2. The Accommodation Regulations are an integral part of these Accommodation regulations

Article III.
Start of Accommodation

1. Upon check-in, each guest must present their ID card at the hotel reception. ID or other proof of identity. After fulfilling the above legal obligations including the completion of the registration card (record for the foreign police), the reception will accommodate the guest and provide further information about the accommodation.

2. The Accommodation Regulations are an integral part of these Accommodation regulations

Article IV.
Payment terms

1. If the Provider requires an advance payment for the ordered services, the Client is obliged to pay this advance to the company in due form, i.e. in the amount and on the due date specified in the contract as specified in the contract; payment of the advance payment shall be understood as the crediting of the relevant amount to the bank account of the provider, unless otherwise agreed. If the advance payment is not duly paid by the client paid, the provider reserves the right to cancel the agreed reservation and to require the the Client the corresponding cancellation fees according to Article V of these GTC.

2. The client is obliged to pay the agreed price for the accommodation. The Customer shall undertakes to pay the tax document (invoice) in cash at the end of the accommodation or in the due date stated therein; unless otherwise agreed, the due date is 14 days from the date of issue. Any irregularities in the tax invoice must be complained about in writing by the customer within 5 calendar days of receipt. In the event that the Provider accepts the complaint of the tax document (invoice) as justified, the due date of the tax document (invoice) in question shall be postponed and the amount stated in the complained tax document (invoice) shall be due on the due date stated in the newly issued tax document (invoice). A complained tax document (invoice) for which the Provider accepts the complaint as unjustified, the amount in question shall be due on the due date stated in the complained tax document (invoice).

3. The payment is deemed to be paid when it is credited to the Provider's bank account indicated on the tax document (invoice), unless otherwise agreed.

4. In the event of the Client's default in payment for the services provided, the Provider shall be entitled to demand from the Client, in addition to payment of the amount due, interest at the rate of 0.5% of the amount due for each day of delay, starting from the first day following the due date of the tax document (invoice) until payment.

5. The Provider reserves the right to use any payment made by the Client to settle its oldest overdue claim(s) against the Client. The Provider shall be entitled to use the blocked funds to pay all outstanding amounts incurred during the stay and after the departure of the Guest (e.g. drinks from the minibar, consumption in the restaurant, café, violation of the smoking ban, etc.)

Article V.
Cancellation policy

1. Cancellation always means cancellation, postponement or modification of a confirmed orders.

2. Cancellation must be made in writing by the client to the person with whom the terms of the contract were negotiated and, if not, to the director of the establishment.

3. If the customer cancels the ordered and confirmed services, he is obliged to pay to the provider the cancellation fees according to the price conditions of the reservation; cancellation fees will be calculated from the price for the cancelled services incl. VAT, as follows:

For individual bookings:
Up to 7 days before the expected arrival free accommodation 6-5 days before expected arrival 100% of the first night's price 5-4 days before expected arrival or in case of no-show 100% total price of Accommodation

NON REFUNDABLE RESERVATIONS- 100% price of Accommodation

For Group reservations (3 or more rooms):
Cancellation fees of 75% of the total price of the booked accommodation and services will be paid by by the client in case of cancellation within 29 to 19 days before the group's arrival date

Cancellation fees of 100% of the total price of the ordered accommodation and services will be paid by the client in case of cancellation of the order within 18 days or less before the arrival of the group and also in case of non-arrival of the group.

4. For the purposes of these GTC, the room price means the price for accommodation and buffet breakfast, municipality fee and VAT at the legal rate.

5. The cancellation fee will be invoiced to the client by a tax document (invoice) with 10-day due date. If the cancellation fee is not duly paid, the client is is obliged to pay the provider interest in addition to the amount corresponding to the cancellation fee at the rate of 0.5% of the amount due for each day of delay, starting from the first day following the due date of the cancellation fee until the cancellation fee is paid.

Article VI.
Service Complaints

1. The client is obliged to file a complaint against the services provided by the provider in writing with the person with whom the terms of the contract were negotiated and, if not, with the director of the establishment. This complaint must be made without delay after the discovery of of the deficiencies in the services, but at the latest on the day following the last day on which the the services in question were provided to the customer. No account shall be taken of subsequent complaints.

Article VII.
Withdrawal from the contract

1. Either party is entitled to withdraw from the contract under the conditions and for the reasons provided by law or the contract.

2. The Provider shall be entitled to withdraw from the Contract with immediate effect (in whole or in part) if the Client breaches the Contract in a material manner or repeatedly breaches any obligation under the Contract or if the Client defaults on payment of any amount due by more than 10 days after the due date.

Article VIII.

1. The guest has the right to bring an out-of-court settlement of such a dispute to the designated consumer dispute resolution body, which is:

Česká obchodní inspekce
Ústřední inspektorát – oddělení ADR
Štěpánská 15
120 00 Praha 2
Česká obchodní inspekce is the supervisory authority overseeing the protection of 64/1986 Coll., o České obchodní inspekci, on the website of the České obchodní inspekce

2. In accordance with the provisions of Section 1837(j) of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code the accommodated person as a consumer does not have the right to withdraw from the accommodation contract, if the accommodation establishment provides the performance within the specified time limit.

Article IX.
Consent to receive commercial offers

1. The Customer agrees to the sending of commercial offers by the Provider, which is carried out in accordance with Act No. 480/2004 Coll., on certain information society services. The Customer agrees to the sending of Business Communications to his/her email address by sending the enquiry form to Provider's website. This consent can be revoked at any time.

Article X.
Higher Power

1. If the provider is not able, with all its efforts, to meet the agreed conditions due to force majeure, the provider shall have the right to withdraw from the contract without further delay, unless the parties agree otherwise. Force majeure means in particular damage to the hotel and its facilities as a result of natural disasters; in the event of force majeure, the client is not shall not be entitled to claim any penalties or equivalent claims against the provider.

Article XI.
Other arrangements

1. The Parties acknowledge that the liability of the Provider, the Customer 89/2012 Coll. shall be governed by the rules pursuant to Sections 2894 et seq. of Act No. 89/2012 Coll, Civil Code. Damages shall be compensated in money, unless the parties agree otherwise. If the damage is caused by the client's clients and the clients claim damage is not reimbursed, the client undertakes to reimburse the damage in the same way as if it had been caused by himself.

2. The provider is entitled to require a guarantee in the form of a pre-authorized credit card or cash deposit upon arrival. The Company undertakes to return this deposit, or part thereof, to the clients upon departure of the clients and after settlement of any claims under this paragraph.

3. If the Company finds the actions of the Client or his/her clients to be a gross violation of the Hotel Accommodation Regulations, the Company shall have the right, after discussing the whole matter with the client, to terminate the accommodation of the client or his/her clients without compensation, or without limiting the right to charge for the accommodation.

4. The Customer expressly agrees that the Provider is entitled to process and store all personal data in accordance with the relevant generally applicable legislation, in particular Act No. 101/2000 Coll., on the protection of personal data and amendments to certain acts. information and data provided by the Provider for the purpose of processing the order.

5. The guest acknowledges that the safe deposit box located in the room or the safe at the reception (valuables up to a maximum value of 20000CZK.) is used to store valuables (valuables up to a maximum value of 20000CZK.). The hotel is not responsible for loss or damage to valuables left loose in the room and in the room outside the safe.

6. Smoking is strictly prohibited in all areas of the hotel, except in designated areas. In case of violation of this ban, the provider has the right to charge guests €200 for fire safety hazards and deep cleaning of the premises.

7. Personal belongings left at the hotel will be sent to the guest by cash on delivery by Czech Post at the guest's expense.

8. All amounts will be generated in CZK. The exchange rate to foreign currencies is governed by the CNB daily rate. In the case of payment by each card, the exchange rate may vary depending on the exchange rate used by the bank that issued the payment card.

9. The hotel (operator) is entitled to use the blocked funds to pay all unpaid amounts incurred during the stay and after the departure of the guest (e.g. drinks from the minibar, consumption in the restaurant, café, violation of the smoking ban, or other similar cases)

10. Personal belongings left at the hostel will be sent to the guest by Czech Post at the guest's expense (cash on delivery)

11. All amounts will be generated in CZK. The exchange rate to foreign currencies is governed by the CNB daily rate. In the case of payment by each card, the exchange rate may vary depending on the exchange rate used by the bank that issued the payment card.

12. If the guest pays in cash, he/she is obliged to pay a guarantee of 100% of the accommodation upon check-in.

Article XII.
Final provision

1. The GTC come into force and effect on 1.4.2021

Payment gateway provider

ComGate Payments, a.s.
Gočárova třída 1754 / 48b, Hradec Králové
Tel: +420 228 224 267

Payment methods

Card payments - we accept VISA, VISA Electron, MasterCard, Maestro, Diners Club, Apple Pay.

Bank transfers - we provide the brands of all major banks in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland, around 50 banking houses in total

Deferred payment - e-shop customer has the option to buy immediately, pay later. Deferred payment for up to 30 days is interest-free. The e-shop receives the funds immediately after the purchase.

Apple Pay - you can pay with Apple Pay on the payment gateway. The service is displayed to users of Apple devices with Safari browser.